Uncle Moodle wants YOU to write for Moodle News.
We post on a daily (weekday) basis about freshest and most exciting developments from the Moodle community. But we can’t do it alone!
If you’re a power Moodler or just are interested in the developing Moodle-landscape, consider submitting an article or two and getting published here. We’re always interested in well written content, Moodle anecdotes, extension/plug-in reviews or anything else at all connected to the world’s most popular LMS.
Why write for Moodle News?
Well, MN is a unique outlet for Moodle related topics and news, you can share your stories and track your hits. We’re current serving content to a network nearing 1000 readers/subscribers (aggregate) and have only been at it since December 2009. We have big plans for Moodle in general and wait with baited breath for the newest development. Some might say that we “live for Moodle”.
So if you think in terms of Moodle on a daily basis, give us a shout at @moodlenews or use the contact us link to send us a message. Pending a quick conversation we’ll set you up with an account and you can become an equal editorial member of the MN Team. Who wants in?