1 00:00:01,440 --> 00:00:04,570 [Music] 2 00:00:05,590 --> 00:00:10,519 so my name is gray as your head I've now 3 00:00:10,519 --> 00:00:12,740 been with moody for just over eight 4 00:00:12,740 --> 00:00:15,620 months and it's been a journey of 5 00:00:15,620 --> 00:00:19,570 learning eternal learning today I'm 6 00:00:19,570 --> 00:00:22,220 possibly not going to talk about as much 7 00:00:22,220 --> 00:00:24,800 detail as Martin was hoping that I would 8 00:00:24,800 --> 00:00:27,999 but I want to talk about the process and 9 00:00:27,999 --> 00:00:31,039 specifically about how we can get you 10 00:00:31,039 --> 00:00:34,219 guys involved in the process I'm just 11 00:00:34,219 --> 00:00:36,680 gonna quickly have learn a little bit 12 00:00:36,680 --> 00:00:38,929 about you guys talk a bit about myself a 13 00:00:38,929 --> 00:00:42,590 bit about the different themes talk 14 00:00:42,590 --> 00:00:46,100 about roadmap processes what I see as 15 00:00:46,100 --> 00:00:49,070 challenges in regards to road mapping in 16 00:00:49,070 --> 00:00:51,530 the traditional sense some of our key 17 00:00:51,530 --> 00:00:54,379 initiatives and then back to how you can 18 00:00:54,379 --> 00:00:57,949 get involved with it first of all I just 19 00:00:57,949 --> 00:00:59,839 wanted to remind ourselves why we're all 20 00:00:59,839 --> 00:01:01,730 here we're all there about empowering 21 00:01:01,730 --> 00:01:04,790 educators to improve our world what is 22 00:01:04,790 --> 00:01:06,590 it now about ten months ago when I was 23 00:01:06,590 --> 00:01:08,900 contacted by Moodle I couldn't believe 24 00:01:08,900 --> 00:01:09,500 my luck 25 00:01:09,500 --> 00:01:12,680 that I actually found somebody a company 26 00:01:12,680 --> 00:01:15,020 in Perth that did exactly what I had 27 00:01:15,020 --> 00:01:17,360 identified as my purpose enough which is 28 00:01:17,360 --> 00:01:20,740 to bring quality education to everybody 29 00:01:20,740 --> 00:01:26,270 globally so we'll go more into that 30 00:01:26,270 --> 00:01:30,380 detail so I just wanted to get a show of 31 00:01:30,380 --> 00:01:33,440 hands of the type of of who we've got in 32 00:01:33,440 --> 00:01:35,750 the room I know Martin did it earlier 33 00:01:35,750 --> 00:01:38,540 today as well but can I see how many 34 00:01:38,540 --> 00:01:43,220 developers we have here all right so if 35 00:01:43,220 --> 00:01:44,690 you sprinkle through I think you're all 36 00:01:44,690 --> 00:01:53,030 upstairs before we're educators and and 37 00:01:53,030 --> 00:01:55,190 and what about educators in the sort of 38 00:01:55,190 --> 00:01:57,860 corporate learning management systems or 39 00:01:57,860 --> 00:02:00,650 that's kind of a few there as well what 40 00:02:00,650 --> 00:02:02,300 have I missed not designers do we have 41 00:02:02,300 --> 00:02:05,780 any designers oh cool instructional 42 00:02:05,780 --> 00:02:09,710 designers as well cool this is good I 43 00:02:09,710 --> 00:02:11,930 need all your people to get involved in 44 00:02:11,930 --> 00:02:13,770 our roadmap process right 45 00:02:13,770 --> 00:02:15,570 whatever missed what what sort of other 46 00:02:15,570 --> 00:02:17,430 other other rules have you got around 47 00:02:17,430 --> 00:02:19,440 here what'd I miss 48 00:02:19,440 --> 00:02:24,390 IT people oh yeah there's a few of us 49 00:02:24,390 --> 00:02:27,510 around and and and sort of Moodle 50 00:02:27,510 --> 00:02:31,380 administrators yeah got a few around 51 00:02:31,380 --> 00:02:39,330 here so press the wrong button I really 52 00:02:39,330 --> 00:02:42,600 want to explore how we can extend the 53 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:44,520 way we are working together now the way 54 00:02:44,520 --> 00:02:46,830 that Martin has set this awesome 55 00:02:46,830 --> 00:02:48,960 organisation up to involve and engage 56 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:50,940 the community to be involved in the 57 00:02:50,940 --> 00:02:53,160 processes throughout not just from a 58 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:55,680 developer perspective but from educators 59 00:02:55,680 --> 00:03:00,000 and from design and testing things that 60 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:02,790 photo is from where I come from so I was 61 00:03:02,790 --> 00:03:04,740 born about ten hundred kilometers south 62 00:03:04,740 --> 00:03:09,690 of of the architecture cool in Norway my 63 00:03:09,690 --> 00:03:12,990 teachers are my teachers my parents are 64 00:03:12,990 --> 00:03:14,880 teachers my grandparents are teachers 65 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:17,040 for whatever reason I decided not to 66 00:03:17,040 --> 00:03:19,320 become a teacher so I studied computer 67 00:03:19,320 --> 00:03:24,890 science instead interesting interesting 68 00:03:24,890 --> 00:03:28,320 subject for an extreme extrovert in case 69 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:34,560 you hadn't noticed anyway I started my 70 00:03:34,560 --> 00:03:37,640 career I actually studied for what I do 71 00:03:37,640 --> 00:03:40,320 put my teeth in we moved around a lot in 72 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:42,450 no because my parents always got jobs as 73 00:03:42,450 --> 00:03:45,240 teachers running in a new country new 74 00:03:45,240 --> 00:03:47,520 place every couple of years that's a bit 75 00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:49,620 odd to see yourself down there so we 76 00:03:49,620 --> 00:03:51,330 moved around a lot when I when I was 77 00:03:51,330 --> 00:03:52,620 young when I was about eight we moved 78 00:03:52,620 --> 00:03:55,760 down south to the the tropics of Norway 79 00:03:55,760 --> 00:03:58,260 you know we call it that in the north 80 00:03:58,260 --> 00:04:00,210 where the weather is always nice at 81 00:04:00,210 --> 00:04:02,360 least I remember the weather is nice 82 00:04:02,360 --> 00:04:04,560 it's nice in winter as well when it's 83 00:04:04,560 --> 00:04:06,960 snowing right 84 00:04:06,960 --> 00:04:10,560 at 13 my parents rigorous up when I was 85 00:04:10,560 --> 00:04:13,020 13 we went to Africa to live there for a 86 00:04:13,020 --> 00:04:14,340 couple of years where my teachers my 87 00:04:14,340 --> 00:04:16,500 parents were teachers god they must be 88 00:04:16,500 --> 00:04:18,029 my teachers my life teachers or 89 00:04:18,029 --> 00:04:20,339 something so that was a fantastic 90 00:04:20,339 --> 00:04:22,440 experience to go to a local school there 91 00:04:22,440 --> 00:04:24,600 see how schooling was done this is a 92 00:04:24,600 --> 00:04:27,270 long time before digital but you know 93 00:04:27,270 --> 00:04:30,960 you learn along the way it she feet were 94 00:04:30,960 --> 00:04:32,640 born and I ended up studying in the UK 95 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:34,860 and then back to Norway but I just 96 00:04:34,860 --> 00:04:36,120 wanted to talk a little bit about that 97 00:04:36,120 --> 00:04:37,530 journey because in that journey what 98 00:04:37,530 --> 00:04:40,050 I've learnt is that with everything we 99 00:04:40,050 --> 00:04:42,210 do in life education is at the core of 100 00:04:42,210 --> 00:04:44,040 it and I think that it's really 101 00:04:44,040 --> 00:04:46,950 important you know I've worked I started 102 00:04:46,950 --> 00:04:49,530 my my work career in Norway working for 103 00:04:49,530 --> 00:04:52,230 the big nasty corporate software 104 00:04:52,230 --> 00:04:55,080 companies like the Oracles and control 105 00:04:55,080 --> 00:04:57,030 data of this world and then I moved into 106 00:04:57,030 --> 00:04:58,800 smaller companies that were global which 107 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:00,540 is kind of my sweet spot where it's a 108 00:05:00,540 --> 00:05:02,310 hundred to two hundred people that we 109 00:05:02,310 --> 00:05:03,720 work globally and we can work with 110 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:05,970 people across the globe actually get the 111 00:05:05,970 --> 00:05:07,470 opportunity to move to Australia because 112 00:05:07,470 --> 00:05:09,480 of Oracle so you know I'm not bugging 113 00:05:09,480 --> 00:05:10,650 them too much with that 114 00:05:10,650 --> 00:05:13,860 so I landed in Sydney I'd never been to 115 00:05:13,860 --> 00:05:15,720 Australia before actually thought I'd 116 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:17,370 come out for a couple of years fell in 117 00:05:17,370 --> 00:05:20,100 love with the climate you know this is 118 00:05:20,100 --> 00:05:21,810 the real tropics compared to the 119 00:05:21,810 --> 00:05:25,200 Norwegian tropics and then in about 2004 120 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:28,470 I contacted a friend in there in Perth 121 00:05:28,470 --> 00:05:33,810 from Sydney to say you know where can I 122 00:05:33,810 --> 00:05:35,550 buy an investment property and it goes 123 00:05:35,550 --> 00:05:36,870 oh maybe you want to move over here and 124 00:05:36,870 --> 00:05:38,460 that's when I'm at the mining industry 125 00:05:38,460 --> 00:05:40,950 so mining software industry that's all 126 00:05:40,950 --> 00:05:43,530 there is in Perth well I thought until 127 00:05:43,530 --> 00:05:46,500 just about a year ago but in the last 128 00:05:46,500 --> 00:05:48,660 five years or so I've had my own digital 129 00:05:48,660 --> 00:05:50,730 health startup and at the same time 130 00:05:50,730 --> 00:05:53,660 contracted in digital health delivering 131 00:05:53,660 --> 00:05:56,820 primary care services to remote in rural 132 00:05:56,820 --> 00:05:59,610 Australia so I do understand how 133 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:03,510 important education is as part of 134 00:06:03,510 --> 00:06:05,850 delivering health and quality of life to 135 00:06:05,850 --> 00:06:09,450 people specifically in in cultures that 136 00:06:09,450 --> 00:06:12,500 are not as connected as we are centrally 137 00:06:12,500 --> 00:06:16,820 so I am inspired to deliver quality 138 00:06:16,820 --> 00:06:19,830 education to every adult and child in 139 00:06:19,830 --> 00:06:20,490 the world 140 00:06:20,490 --> 00:06:22,199 but I also think that it needs to be 141 00:06:22,199 --> 00:06:23,940 powered by people and technology 142 00:06:23,940 --> 00:06:25,139 together so bringing that real 143 00:06:25,139 --> 00:06:26,430 connection between people and technology 144 00:06:26,430 --> 00:06:32,220 I know that Rouen already said this but 145 00:06:32,220 --> 00:06:35,669 I see my role as to empower and enable 146 00:06:35,669 --> 00:06:37,680 and inspired my colleagues to work 147 00:06:37,680 --> 00:06:39,449 together and to work with the community 148 00:06:39,449 --> 00:06:42,360 to deliver Moodle products that address 149 00:06:42,360 --> 00:06:45,780 real world problems and so that we can 150 00:06:45,780 --> 00:06:47,039 actually create a sustainable business 151 00:06:47,039 --> 00:06:51,300 and reach more people shouldn't be 152 00:06:51,300 --> 00:06:53,669 looking at that one should I so one of 153 00:06:53,669 --> 00:06:56,099 the things I've learned about middle 154 00:06:56,099 --> 00:06:58,139 today is that we have a bunch of really 155 00:06:58,139 --> 00:07:00,539 awesome people inspired and inspiring 156 00:07:00,539 --> 00:07:02,970 people we have a product with a large 157 00:07:02,970 --> 00:07:07,110 and dedicated community that just want 158 00:07:07,110 --> 00:07:09,419 to help the world to inspire the world 159 00:07:09,419 --> 00:07:12,240 to improve and then will continuously 160 00:07:12,240 --> 00:07:14,120 experimenting with our processes and 161 00:07:14,120 --> 00:07:16,500 involving people in that process I'll 162 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:19,110 come back to that one so a little bit 163 00:07:19,110 --> 00:07:21,720 about the teams unfortunately I hadn't 164 00:07:21,720 --> 00:07:22,800 joined that this time I think it was 165 00:07:22,800 --> 00:07:26,039 just before I am before I joined I'll go 166 00:07:26,039 --> 00:07:27,479 through just the product teams for now 167 00:07:27,479 --> 00:07:32,789 all the have pressed so most of you guys 168 00:07:32,789 --> 00:07:34,949 are probably most familiar with Moodle 169 00:07:34,949 --> 00:07:37,889 core or the LMS the core LMS which is 170 00:07:37,889 --> 00:07:42,570 led by Sandra Wang ma in Perth we have 171 00:07:42,570 --> 00:07:44,849 team members in person in Spain in the 172 00:07:44,849 --> 00:07:46,830 Czech Republic and Belgium and 173 00:07:46,830 --> 00:07:51,060 Netherlands and us or Sandra's updated 174 00:07:51,060 --> 00:07:54,690 my slide I can say we've got a team of 175 00:07:54,690 --> 00:07:56,669 22 people there are not I put in the 176 00:07:56,669 --> 00:07:58,650 numbers but this is the core system 177 00:07:58,650 --> 00:08:01,050 that's underpinning all our teaching and 178 00:08:01,050 --> 00:08:03,030 learning in teaching and learning 179 00:08:03,030 --> 00:08:05,669 platform then we've got the Moodle 180 00:08:05,669 --> 00:08:07,860 workplace product I don't know a few of 181 00:08:07,860 --> 00:08:10,229 you guys were obsessed it's really about 182 00:08:10,229 --> 00:08:12,449 the organisation and learning learning 183 00:08:12,449 --> 00:08:14,940 and development and it's based on the 184 00:08:14,940 --> 00:08:17,039 core LMS with plugins and it's 185 00:08:17,039 --> 00:08:20,639 streamlined or our fine-tuned for 186 00:08:20,639 --> 00:08:21,719 organisation and learning and 187 00:08:21,719 --> 00:08:23,520 development we have a team primarily 188 00:08:23,520 --> 00:08:25,080 based in Spain but we've got team 189 00:08:25,080 --> 00:08:27,180 members in the UK and Brazil as well so 190 00:08:27,180 --> 00:08:28,320 you can see we're a truly global 191 00:08:28,320 --> 00:08:30,779 organization eight people in that team I 192 00:08:30,779 --> 00:08:33,140 think it's it's not like say it's seven 193 00:08:33,140 --> 00:08:34,750 counting again 194 00:08:34,750 --> 00:08:37,720 we also have an app steam a tiny little 195 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:40,710 absum that look after the apps both for 196 00:08:40,710 --> 00:08:44,400 both for the x4 Moodle LMS and for 197 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:47,170 workplace and we have in that so if 198 00:08:47,170 --> 00:08:50,350 anybody is looking to have a their own 199 00:08:50,350 --> 00:08:51,880 presence in the App Store and thinks we 200 00:08:51,880 --> 00:08:53,560 have a branded app so you can either run 201 00:08:53,560 --> 00:08:55,270 the standard app or a branded up over 202 00:08:55,270 --> 00:08:56,800 the top of it you can see I've borrowed 203 00:08:56,800 --> 00:08:59,620 Martin's pretty pictures from this 204 00:08:59,620 --> 00:09:02,440 morning a middle out product if you 205 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:07,120 haven't had an opportunity to meet Lee 206 00:09:07,120 --> 00:09:10,900 he's our new product manager in formerly 207 00:09:10,900 --> 00:09:13,990 cloud so he's here at the very it's been 208 00:09:13,990 --> 00:09:16,210 with us for I think it says fourth week 209 00:09:16,210 --> 00:09:18,160 now so it's a one of the lucky ones that 210 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:20,140 get to meet you all now in his first 211 00:09:20,140 --> 00:09:23,380 month then we've got moodle net now his 212 00:09:23,380 --> 00:09:28,270 who here knows about moodle net well 213 00:09:28,270 --> 00:09:29,140 that's not so many 214 00:09:29,140 --> 00:09:32,760 so it's expected all of you to say yes 215 00:09:32,760 --> 00:09:36,490 so middle that is a social platform that 216 00:09:36,490 --> 00:09:41,050 enables educators to share curate and 217 00:09:41,050 --> 00:09:44,980 discuss educational resources it's 218 00:09:44,980 --> 00:09:49,030 currently in beta it we've validated 219 00:09:49,030 --> 00:09:51,850 some of the assumptions around it and 220 00:09:51,850 --> 00:09:55,780 and we're launching it in at the global 221 00:09:55,780 --> 00:09:59,380 mood in both Barcelona but Ilona it's a 222 00:09:59,380 --> 00:10:01,510 very tiny little team and it's run quite 223 00:10:01,510 --> 00:10:04,270 differently to how we run Moodle LMS you 224 00:10:04,270 --> 00:10:06,880 know we've got with the LMS we've got so 225 00:10:06,880 --> 00:10:09,010 many customers and users across the 226 00:10:09,010 --> 00:10:12,100 world that we the ones that we know 227 00:10:12,100 --> 00:10:13,750 about is a hundred thousand sites and 228 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:16,210 150 million users but those are just the 229 00:10:16,210 --> 00:10:18,070 ones that have voluntarily registered 230 00:10:18,070 --> 00:10:20,170 for the product it's one tiny little 231 00:10:20,170 --> 00:10:23,290 team no no customers no users yet well 232 00:10:23,290 --> 00:10:25,540 apart from the ones that are on on the 233 00:10:25,540 --> 00:10:28,000 test systems so we could run this 234 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:29,530 process very different it's very 235 00:10:29,530 --> 00:10:31,810 experimental it's very lean in the 236 00:10:31,810 --> 00:10:36,610 process there middle education you must 237 00:10:36,610 --> 00:10:38,350 have all met the lovely salons here 238 00:10:38,350 --> 00:10:42,339 today tiny little team mostly in in 239 00:10:42,339 --> 00:10:44,770 North America I should say but we do 240 00:10:44,770 --> 00:10:48,089 have a few virtual team members 241 00:10:48,089 --> 00:10:51,549 across the organization basically that 242 00:10:51,549 --> 00:10:53,879 is our competence-based 243 00:10:53,879 --> 00:10:57,729 research informed education program how 244 00:10:57,729 --> 00:10:59,109 many of you guys were in the in the 245 00:10:59,109 --> 00:11:02,309 session yesterday here quite a few yeah 246 00:11:02,309 --> 00:11:07,929 did you enjoy it you learn something the 247 00:11:07,929 --> 00:11:10,839 facilitators are yeah great job by the 248 00:11:10,839 --> 00:11:15,220 facilitators and so lunch we also have a 249 00:11:15,220 --> 00:11:17,679 UX team and I'm gonna talk briefly about 250 00:11:17,679 --> 00:11:20,019 that as you can see I'm the acting lead 251 00:11:20,019 --> 00:11:24,209 for that so typically we would have 252 00:11:24,209 --> 00:11:27,129 empowered multi-discipline teams that 253 00:11:27,129 --> 00:11:28,119 would work together so you'd have 254 00:11:28,119 --> 00:11:29,709 designers and developers working 255 00:11:29,709 --> 00:11:34,379 together we've chosen to have a an 256 00:11:34,379 --> 00:11:37,539 affinity or an alignment between all the 257 00:11:37,539 --> 00:11:40,509 UX people across across the the 258 00:11:40,509 --> 00:11:43,089 organization so ash Barbara and Hina are 259 00:11:43,089 --> 00:11:45,099 all based in Perth so they primarily 260 00:11:45,099 --> 00:11:47,769 work with the core and LMS system and 261 00:11:47,769 --> 00:11:50,229 the Moodle sloughed system we've got 262 00:11:50,229 --> 00:11:54,039 Raphael that's that's our UX UI designer 263 00:11:54,039 --> 00:11:56,949 developer for workplace he's quite he 264 00:11:56,949 --> 00:11:58,659 has a lot of experiences worked with 265 00:11:58,659 --> 00:12:01,059 Emilio who is our product manager in 266 00:12:01,059 --> 00:12:03,249 partners and delivering workplace 267 00:12:03,249 --> 00:12:05,079 solutions in the past and Yvonne is our 268 00:12:05,079 --> 00:12:07,989 moodle net front and developer and UX 269 00:12:07,989 --> 00:12:12,039 designer so but for each project that we 270 00:12:12,039 --> 00:12:15,429 work on in moodle corentin our will 271 00:12:15,429 --> 00:12:17,709 assign a UX developer so they have 272 00:12:17,709 --> 00:12:20,619 plenty to do you should see ash and 273 00:12:20,619 --> 00:12:22,659 Barbara and sorry ash and Hina 274 00:12:22,659 --> 00:12:25,029 have been around here for those time and 275 00:12:25,029 --> 00:12:27,489 tomorrow if you're interested in in a 276 00:12:27,489 --> 00:12:30,369 user experience and how we do that we've 277 00:12:30,369 --> 00:12:32,949 got a session tomorrow called the user 278 00:12:32,949 --> 00:12:37,779 in the Moodle right I'm going to talk 279 00:12:37,779 --> 00:12:40,299 about roadmap processes so we always 280 00:12:40,299 --> 00:12:43,329 think of roadmaps as a straight forward 281 00:12:43,329 --> 00:12:44,799 right that's a road map 282 00:12:44,799 --> 00:12:46,989 it's all very linear linear because all 283 00:12:46,989 --> 00:12:49,569 roads are very linear if any of you have 284 00:12:49,569 --> 00:12:50,949 ever been to the north of nowhere you 285 00:12:50,949 --> 00:12:52,389 know that roads aren't necessarily 286 00:12:52,389 --> 00:12:54,549 linear they go like that around the 287 00:12:54,549 --> 00:12:56,649 fjords and around the mountains but and 288 00:12:56,649 --> 00:12:57,939 I don't even know what's around the 289 00:12:57,939 --> 00:12:59,150 corner there 290 00:12:59,150 --> 00:13:02,960 the typical road map is based on output 291 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:04,790 so it's typically a list of prioritized 292 00:13:04,790 --> 00:13:06,350 features that we want to develop 293 00:13:06,350 --> 00:13:08,570 typically done in a regular basis on 294 00:13:08,570 --> 00:13:10,250 quarterly basis I'm not saying these 295 00:13:10,250 --> 00:13:13,010 things are bad I'm just saying that they 296 00:13:13,010 --> 00:13:16,070 don't always work and they come down 297 00:13:16,070 --> 00:13:17,690 from management so what happens is that 298 00:13:17,690 --> 00:13:21,410 they're very linear the somebody comes 299 00:13:21,410 --> 00:13:22,790 up with an idea then the management 300 00:13:22,790 --> 00:13:24,680 decides that it's got to happen then the 301 00:13:24,680 --> 00:13:27,050 UX team work on it and then they come up 302 00:13:27,050 --> 00:13:29,510 with the designs and and they do the 303 00:13:29,510 --> 00:13:30,830 testing of the designs and in the 304 00:13:30,830 --> 00:13:32,030 chocolate over the fence to the 305 00:13:32,030 --> 00:13:35,960 developers and developers go what and 306 00:13:35,960 --> 00:13:37,880 we've got some really awesome developers 307 00:13:37,880 --> 00:13:40,070 both in the community and within Moodle 308 00:13:40,070 --> 00:13:42,770 HQ all together but it's kind of that 309 00:13:42,770 --> 00:13:44,150 linear thing and then it comes to the 310 00:13:44,150 --> 00:13:45,830 end and we're just about to release and 311 00:13:45,830 --> 00:13:48,740 it goes to the QA cycle to the QA team 312 00:13:48,740 --> 00:13:50,810 and then they're going whoo and 313 00:13:50,810 --> 00:13:52,910 documentation oh I've got to make this 314 00:13:52,910 --> 00:13:57,080 work now sort of thing so it can be a 315 00:13:57,080 --> 00:13:59,680 bit challenging at times and it's also 316 00:13:59,680 --> 00:14:02,750 you know it can lack buy-in and it's not 317 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:04,610 very empowering for the team so what 318 00:14:04,610 --> 00:14:05,990 we're trying to do is actually change 319 00:14:05,990 --> 00:14:07,880 that around and get involvement much 320 00:14:07,880 --> 00:14:10,670 earlier from the developers as and the 321 00:14:10,670 --> 00:14:12,530 designers and working together across 322 00:14:12,530 --> 00:14:14,930 teams with our customers and with our 323 00:14:14,930 --> 00:14:18,860 community as well because sometimes we 324 00:14:18,860 --> 00:14:22,610 actually forget that not all our product 325 00:14:22,610 --> 00:14:24,410 ideas work because you can have a 326 00:14:24,410 --> 00:14:26,690 brilliant idea I reckon if I do this 327 00:14:26,690 --> 00:14:28,520 fantastic feature and that could come 328 00:14:28,520 --> 00:14:29,750 from anywhere it could come from a 329 00:14:29,750 --> 00:14:30,710 teacher it could come from an 330 00:14:30,710 --> 00:14:31,850 administrator it could come from a 331 00:14:31,850 --> 00:14:34,310 developer it could come from a product 332 00:14:34,310 --> 00:14:37,220 manager heavens forbid a product manager 333 00:14:37,220 --> 00:14:40,160 who hasn't done their research right but 334 00:14:40,160 --> 00:14:42,050 they don't always work and there's only 335 00:14:42,050 --> 00:14:43,940 a small percentage so you need to test 336 00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:45,530 and validate test and validate that's 337 00:14:45,530 --> 00:14:46,850 why it's been really interesting to 338 00:14:46,850 --> 00:14:48,650 watch what we do with Moodle net at the 339 00:14:48,650 --> 00:14:54,350 moment with I have a timer here and it's 340 00:14:54,350 --> 00:14:58,430 off so it's been interesting to watch 341 00:14:58,430 --> 00:15:01,610 what what middle net are doing within a 342 00:15:01,610 --> 00:15:03,650 much more sort of iterate much faster 343 00:15:03,650 --> 00:15:05,480 iterations in the development because 344 00:15:05,480 --> 00:15:06,680 they don't actually have to look after 345 00:15:06,680 --> 00:15:09,140 all the customers that are there already 346 00:15:09,140 --> 00:15:11,720 we we need to validate the customer 347 00:15:11,720 --> 00:15:12,649 value and make 348 00:15:12,649 --> 00:15:14,899 sure that customers are and then even 349 00:15:14,899 --> 00:15:16,819 when you've got a really damn good idea 350 00:15:16,819 --> 00:15:19,999 like for example group messaging I think 351 00:15:19,999 --> 00:15:22,040 it's a great idea group messaging that 352 00:15:22,040 --> 00:15:24,139 we came up with in three point six I 353 00:15:24,139 --> 00:15:26,420 believe but it still takes multiple 354 00:15:26,420 --> 00:15:29,209 iterations to get it right right now 355 00:15:29,209 --> 00:15:30,499 there are there's a reason that we do 356 00:15:30,499 --> 00:15:32,509 have roadmaps we didn't we need to make 357 00:15:32,509 --> 00:15:34,100 sure that we're working on what's the 358 00:15:34,100 --> 00:15:36,350 highest value to be first and we also 359 00:15:36,350 --> 00:15:40,279 need to have some sort of a time-based 360 00:15:40,279 --> 00:15:43,309 view of it and this is why most roadmaps 361 00:15:43,309 --> 00:15:45,110 are reviewed on a quarterly basis which 362 00:15:45,110 --> 00:15:47,110 is something that we will continue to do 363 00:15:47,110 --> 00:15:49,129 we obviously need to address all of 364 00:15:49,129 --> 00:15:52,910 these issues now we all know that rules 365 00:15:52,910 --> 00:15:55,040 aren't necessarily straight right you 366 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:57,679 don't have to go to Norway to find curvy 367 00:15:57,679 --> 00:16:00,559 roads and what I've found at Moodle is 368 00:16:00,559 --> 00:16:05,240 that I kind of inherited a a product 369 00:16:05,240 --> 00:16:07,519 foot portfolio of six very different 370 00:16:07,519 --> 00:16:09,860 products right all the things all the 371 00:16:09,860 --> 00:16:13,910 way from a core open source massive I 372 00:16:13,910 --> 00:16:16,249 don't want to say old can I say wise 373 00:16:16,249 --> 00:16:18,949 about a system I usually use wise 374 00:16:18,949 --> 00:16:21,829 instead of old but you know a system 375 00:16:21,829 --> 00:16:23,360 that has grown over years and has had a 376 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:25,639 lot of contributions so we got that as 377 00:16:25,639 --> 00:16:27,019 the core elements then we've got the 378 00:16:27,019 --> 00:16:28,999 refined version of it that's specialized 379 00:16:28,999 --> 00:16:31,009 for workplace then we got moodle net 380 00:16:31,009 --> 00:16:32,679 let's brand-new and then we've got 381 00:16:32,679 --> 00:16:35,059 educational content and curriculum and 382 00:16:35,059 --> 00:16:37,879 I'm going woo what hit me here I was I 383 00:16:37,879 --> 00:16:40,069 was always developing a system that was 384 00:16:40,069 --> 00:16:42,259 there to break down the silos in there 385 00:16:42,259 --> 00:16:44,240 in the child care a child health space 386 00:16:44,240 --> 00:16:47,360 nothing oh I thought that was hard this 387 00:16:47,360 --> 00:16:48,980 one's more complicated but we are 388 00:16:48,980 --> 00:16:52,129 addressing the same kind of needs so I 389 00:16:52,129 --> 00:16:54,920 think one of the aspects that we've 390 00:16:54,920 --> 00:16:56,779 always worked with is actually outcomes 391 00:16:56,779 --> 00:16:59,149 based Road meso roadmaps that are 392 00:16:59,149 --> 00:17:02,679 focused on they you know the object 393 00:17:02,679 --> 00:17:06,140 objectives and key results and focus on 394 00:17:06,140 --> 00:17:07,640 business objectives or business 395 00:17:07,640 --> 00:17:09,799 objectives product vision that drives 396 00:17:09,799 --> 00:17:13,250 the roadmaps and in a way that it 397 00:17:13,250 --> 00:17:15,230 ensures that all the product ideas are 398 00:17:15,230 --> 00:17:18,890 aligned with our business objectives so 399 00:17:18,890 --> 00:17:20,689 that we can empower the product teams 400 00:17:20,689 --> 00:17:22,220 and it's really really important to 401 00:17:22,220 --> 00:17:23,630 empower the product teams the product 402 00:17:23,630 --> 00:17:25,189 teams that consists of the developers 403 00:17:25,189 --> 00:17:25,819 the designers 404 00:17:25,819 --> 00:17:28,160 the product managers and the users per 405 00:17:28,160 --> 00:17:33,080 se I usually say that I tried to get the 406 00:17:33,080 --> 00:17:36,260 right mix so the right people the right 407 00:17:36,260 --> 00:17:41,330 product and the right product I had up 408 00:17:41,330 --> 00:17:43,880 earlier I wrote that before I wrote this 409 00:17:43,880 --> 00:17:47,180 one sort of magically so we do have 410 00:17:47,180 --> 00:17:49,550 inspiring and and inspired people in the 411 00:17:49,550 --> 00:17:52,340 organization and in the community and I 412 00:17:52,340 --> 00:17:53,840 think we can make that product 413 00:17:53,840 --> 00:17:55,760 absolutely right for a number of 414 00:17:55,760 --> 00:18:00,890 different different needs if you like so 415 00:18:00,890 --> 00:18:02,870 that if we slice and package our product 416 00:18:02,870 --> 00:18:04,640 up for luck we've done now with 417 00:18:04,640 --> 00:18:06,140 workplace we could do that for higher 418 00:18:06,140 --> 00:18:08,300 education we could do that for k-12 we 419 00:18:08,300 --> 00:18:11,000 can work with our partners to make sure 420 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:12,650 that it's easier for them to roll out 421 00:18:12,650 --> 00:18:14,930 and create the value add services for 422 00:18:14,930 --> 00:18:17,810 our customers to create valid value for 423 00:18:17,810 --> 00:18:23,150 their learner's and basically get get 424 00:18:23,150 --> 00:18:25,010 education out to as many people as 425 00:18:25,010 --> 00:18:27,970 possible and then as I said we are 426 00:18:27,970 --> 00:18:29,870 continuing to experiment with our 427 00:18:29,870 --> 00:18:32,180 processes I just wanted to reuse my 428 00:18:32,180 --> 00:18:34,910 slide that I made earlier so there are 429 00:18:34,910 --> 00:18:36,470 some key drivers to what I want to do 430 00:18:36,470 --> 00:18:37,700 here because one of the things that we 431 00:18:37,700 --> 00:18:39,560 tend to forget and I've I have worked 432 00:18:39,560 --> 00:18:41,570 you know I hate to say this but I have 433 00:18:41,570 --> 00:18:43,460 worked in the software industry for over 434 00:18:43,460 --> 00:18:46,190 thirty years no matter how good our 435 00:18:46,190 --> 00:18:47,900 intentions are because all are in our 436 00:18:47,900 --> 00:18:49,730 entities are usually good we want to 437 00:18:49,730 --> 00:18:52,340 solve problems but then we jump straight 438 00:18:52,340 --> 00:18:55,280 to solutions I've got let's do it this 439 00:18:55,280 --> 00:18:58,010 way and so we forget to look at the 440 00:18:58,010 --> 00:19:00,530 risks first and you have to get the 441 00:19:00,530 --> 00:19:01,340 risks upfront 442 00:19:01,340 --> 00:19:02,810 specifically when you're doing product 443 00:19:02,810 --> 00:19:04,700 development that's not just for a single 444 00:19:04,700 --> 00:19:08,090 customer and then we need to remember 445 00:19:08,090 --> 00:19:10,160 that defining and designing products is 446 00:19:10,160 --> 00:19:12,170 a collaborative process it's not that 447 00:19:12,170 --> 00:19:13,940 linear process it's not something that 448 00:19:13,940 --> 00:19:16,370 somebody can't control you know so 449 00:19:16,370 --> 00:19:20,300 where's Martin they are you have come up 450 00:19:20,300 --> 00:19:21,830 with some awesome ideas through the 451 00:19:21,830 --> 00:19:24,380 years and we and managed to deliver them 452 00:19:24,380 --> 00:19:25,880 but I do still think that it's been a 453 00:19:25,880 --> 00:19:27,860 collaborative process between you and 454 00:19:27,860 --> 00:19:30,050 the community and that develops always 455 00:19:30,050 --> 00:19:32,840 so what I'm trying to do is like tap 456 00:19:32,840 --> 00:19:34,850 into that use that and have a little bit 457 00:19:34,850 --> 00:19:36,320 more intentionality as you'll see it 458 00:19:36,320 --> 00:19:38,270 towards then and then I want to talk 459 00:19:38,270 --> 00:19:39,590 about solving problems right 460 00:19:39,590 --> 00:19:42,679 than just developing features in because 461 00:19:42,679 --> 00:19:44,450 we tend to chase features and we tend to 462 00:19:44,450 --> 00:19:45,950 chase features and we've been doing that 463 00:19:45,950 --> 00:19:47,929 a lot and Martin touched on it briefly 464 00:19:47,929 --> 00:19:51,980 this morning that we might not go for so 465 00:19:51,980 --> 00:19:53,900 many new features we'll probably look 466 00:19:53,900 --> 00:19:57,140 we're looking at let's get things right 467 00:19:57,140 --> 00:19:58,309 for the things that we're doing let's 468 00:19:58,309 --> 00:20:01,730 make it really really really good but 469 00:20:01,730 --> 00:20:03,860 still do some new features because you 470 00:20:03,860 --> 00:20:05,029 see you always have to keep on 471 00:20:05,029 --> 00:20:06,620 innovating and coming up with new things 472 00:20:06,620 --> 00:20:08,150 and working with the community and 473 00:20:08,150 --> 00:20:09,890 partners and plug-in developers and 474 00:20:09,890 --> 00:20:17,990 integration partners so there's four 475 00:20:17,990 --> 00:20:20,570 types of risks that I've that I 476 00:20:20,570 --> 00:20:22,970 typically look at the first one is 477 00:20:22,970 --> 00:20:24,710 really about the customer value if you 478 00:20:24,710 --> 00:20:26,090 develop something that the customer 479 00:20:26,090 --> 00:20:28,460 doesn't need you're kind of dead in the 480 00:20:28,460 --> 00:20:32,270 water right so what we have to do to to 481 00:20:32,270 --> 00:20:33,559 ensure that the customer would buy it 482 00:20:33,559 --> 00:20:37,549 was to choose to use it and then we have 483 00:20:37,549 --> 00:20:39,500 a massive focus on user experience I 484 00:20:39,500 --> 00:20:42,409 know it's been a critique sometimes of 485 00:20:42,409 --> 00:20:44,510 products like Moodle I'm not saying 486 00:20:44,510 --> 00:20:46,039 middle particularly but products that 487 00:20:46,039 --> 00:20:47,539 are that configurable because which is 488 00:20:47,539 --> 00:20:49,220 awesome because you can make it do 489 00:20:49,220 --> 00:20:52,460 whatever you like but it's kind of hard 490 00:20:52,460 --> 00:20:57,320 to design it for for fantastic user 491 00:20:57,320 --> 00:20:59,210 experience and then of course that's 492 00:20:59,210 --> 00:21:01,580 that love that big thing can we actually 493 00:21:01,580 --> 00:21:04,039 build it is it technically feasible to 494 00:21:04,039 --> 00:21:06,049 build this product let's get the 495 00:21:06,049 --> 00:21:08,390 developers in the process very early in 496 00:21:08,390 --> 00:21:11,899 the in in the process and then obviously 497 00:21:11,899 --> 00:21:14,120 does it and does it work for our 498 00:21:14,120 --> 00:21:15,710 business is this something that we need 499 00:21:15,710 --> 00:21:17,440 to do is it aligned with our with our 500 00:21:17,440 --> 00:21:20,299 visions and vision and and business 501 00:21:20,299 --> 00:21:24,980 objectives so customer value what does 502 00:21:24,980 --> 00:21:27,649 that really mean you know we can I've 503 00:21:27,649 --> 00:21:29,899 seen so many beautiful products 504 00:21:29,899 --> 00:21:31,940 developed through the times but it 505 00:21:31,940 --> 00:21:33,320 doesn't actually solve a problem for a 506 00:21:33,320 --> 00:21:36,890 customer right it looks great they go oh 507 00:21:36,890 --> 00:21:38,360 that's really nice that's really what I 508 00:21:38,360 --> 00:21:40,340 need and then you get to the end and 509 00:21:40,340 --> 00:21:41,870 they didn't actually need it anyway so 510 00:21:41,870 --> 00:21:44,480 you can't there's no uptake for it so 511 00:21:44,480 --> 00:21:46,429 it's really about understanding who 512 00:21:46,429 --> 00:21:49,130 we're developing for what problem we're 513 00:21:49,130 --> 00:21:51,799 solving for for them and why we need to 514 00:21:51,799 --> 00:21:53,410 solve those problems 515 00:21:53,410 --> 00:21:58,210 not just about developing cold products 516 00:21:58,210 --> 00:22:01,430 usability how do they use it how can we 517 00:22:01,430 --> 00:22:04,190 you know keep on doing use user testing 518 00:22:04,190 --> 00:22:07,040 user research first found out about the 519 00:22:07,040 --> 00:22:11,330 the problem test our prototypes test do 520 00:22:11,330 --> 00:22:13,640 user interviews do usability testing at 521 00:22:13,640 --> 00:22:15,860 the end but you need really need to make 522 00:22:15,860 --> 00:22:20,870 sure that they can use it you guys can 523 00:22:20,870 --> 00:22:22,490 talk to I keep looking over at our 524 00:22:22,490 --> 00:22:24,050 developers but there's a plenty of other 525 00:22:24,050 --> 00:22:26,200 developers here but it's you know it's 526 00:22:26,200 --> 00:22:28,580 hard to develop stuff if you don't know 527 00:22:28,580 --> 00:22:30,890 who it's for as well so I think that 528 00:22:30,890 --> 00:22:33,650 understanding what they who the customer 529 00:22:33,650 --> 00:22:35,480 persona is the use of personas who's 530 00:22:35,480 --> 00:22:36,679 going to be using it what their 531 00:22:36,679 --> 00:22:38,510 skillsets are it's really important and 532 00:22:38,510 --> 00:22:40,220 then whether it's actually technically 533 00:22:40,220 --> 00:22:43,550 possible to do it and then obviously the 534 00:22:43,550 --> 00:22:45,980 business viability is it in line with 535 00:22:45,980 --> 00:22:52,580 our business objectives come back to 536 00:22:52,580 --> 00:22:57,470 that so I wanted to put our product or 537 00:22:57,470 --> 00:23:00,140 process at a glance so the first thing 538 00:23:00,140 --> 00:23:03,440 we do is we collect ideas we've done 539 00:23:03,440 --> 00:23:05,059 this for years we keep collecting ideas 540 00:23:05,059 --> 00:23:08,690 we've got so many ideas they're coming 541 00:23:08,690 --> 00:23:10,610 out of areas sometimes but we've got so 542 00:23:10,610 --> 00:23:12,920 many ideas from you guys from the 543 00:23:12,920 --> 00:23:14,420 community in general from the forums 544 00:23:14,420 --> 00:23:16,460 from tracker we'll go a bit through that 545 00:23:16,460 --> 00:23:18,830 then we need to validate those ideas and 546 00:23:18,830 --> 00:23:20,179 that's kind of where we get into the 547 00:23:20,179 --> 00:23:22,970 okay who's it for and things their way 548 00:23:22,970 --> 00:23:25,490 prioritize idea as we look at that 549 00:23:25,490 --> 00:23:27,380 typically internally but we take input 550 00:23:27,380 --> 00:23:31,550 from from our community on that we want 551 00:23:31,550 --> 00:23:33,710 to get you guys even more engaged in 552 00:23:33,710 --> 00:23:36,920 that process and finally deliver product 553 00:23:36,920 --> 00:23:39,860 so I think to date although we've kind 554 00:23:39,860 --> 00:23:41,540 of done all these things we've not done 555 00:23:41,540 --> 00:23:44,540 it intentionally so what we want to do 556 00:23:44,540 --> 00:23:46,940 is over the next next few weeks I'll be 557 00:23:46,940 --> 00:23:50,450 posting out what the what the process is 558 00:23:50,450 --> 00:23:52,610 where we need you guys to get in where 559 00:23:52,610 --> 00:23:54,950 we would like to invite you guys to get 560 00:23:54,950 --> 00:23:57,200 involved with our process and give us 561 00:23:57,200 --> 00:24:01,790 input and help us prioritize and and and 562 00:24:01,790 --> 00:24:03,290 we'll keep that up to date so it's more 563 00:24:03,290 --> 00:24:04,700 about the process than actually 564 00:24:04,700 --> 00:24:05,990 promising we're going to have this 565 00:24:05,990 --> 00:24:07,730 particular feature ready at this time 566 00:24:07,730 --> 00:24:09,710 you know because we might find and this 567 00:24:09,710 --> 00:24:13,040 is I I come from a startup world as well 568 00:24:13,040 --> 00:24:15,020 so it's kind of that Lean Startup thing 569 00:24:15,020 --> 00:24:16,550 and go okay well hang on that didn't 570 00:24:16,550 --> 00:24:18,590 work so that wasn't the right choice 571 00:24:18,590 --> 00:24:20,900 then so that that's also an okay choice 572 00:24:20,900 --> 00:24:23,330 you know you spend two weeks on 573 00:24:23,330 --> 00:24:24,860 something or two months on something and 574 00:24:24,860 --> 00:24:26,540 then you realize hang on this isn't 575 00:24:26,540 --> 00:24:29,210 actually working it's okay to make that 576 00:24:29,210 --> 00:24:31,730 decision that it's not the right thing 577 00:24:31,730 --> 00:24:37,880 to do so you guys be all familiar with 578 00:24:37,880 --> 00:24:40,100 that but we do we're doing a lot more 579 00:24:40,100 --> 00:24:42,260 market research competitive analysis we 580 00:24:42,260 --> 00:24:44,960 get input from our partners anybody at 581 00:24:44,960 --> 00:24:47,020 Moodle us an idea whether it's a 582 00:24:47,020 --> 00:24:50,809 developer a designer or Martin or me or 583 00:24:50,809 --> 00:24:57,400 too large or Fiona at the back here so 584 00:24:57,400 --> 00:25:00,500 so anybody can come up with ideas we 585 00:25:00,500 --> 00:25:02,840 look at the priorities that the partners 586 00:25:02,840 --> 00:25:05,179 give us they have an opportunity to do 587 00:25:05,179 --> 00:25:07,670 that in the system we look at analysis 588 00:25:07,670 --> 00:25:10,550 of RFI's you know so attenders and 589 00:25:10,550 --> 00:25:14,360 things for from from from a higher 590 00:25:14,360 --> 00:25:17,120 education for example there's a you know 591 00:25:17,120 --> 00:25:19,420 and there's a few players out there that 592 00:25:19,420 --> 00:25:26,780 that that are are selling in a different 593 00:25:26,780 --> 00:25:28,610 way to what we've done because moodle is 594 00:25:28,610 --> 00:25:30,200 so configurable and you can use it for 595 00:25:30,200 --> 00:25:31,880 anything and others are kind of going in 596 00:25:31,880 --> 00:25:35,030 and and knocking on our doors over on 597 00:25:35,030 --> 00:25:36,770 the doors of our customers i'm sure i've 598 00:25:36,770 --> 00:25:38,960 heard from a few people here over the 599 00:25:38,960 --> 00:25:42,080 last couple of days and i've got many 600 00:25:42,080 --> 00:25:43,580 people from the who are members of 601 00:25:43,580 --> 00:25:47,720 moodle user association here one two 602 00:25:47,720 --> 00:25:51,320 three four oh good good to see because 603 00:25:51,320 --> 00:25:53,270 by being a member of the Moodle user 604 00:25:53,270 --> 00:25:54,350 association you actually have the 605 00:25:54,350 --> 00:25:56,240 opportunity to vote in a different way 606 00:25:56,240 --> 00:25:58,429 and vote on projects and be part of that 607 00:25:58,429 --> 00:25:59,900 process so that's kind of one way of 608 00:25:59,900 --> 00:26:02,780 being involved as well and finally and 609 00:26:02,780 --> 00:26:04,490 with Martin's doing directly after this 610 00:26:04,490 --> 00:26:07,610 the Moodle moot brainstorm wish lists of 611 00:26:07,610 --> 00:26:10,400 brain some sessions which I can't wait 612 00:26:10,400 --> 00:26:13,460 to participate in and and see see how 613 00:26:13,460 --> 00:26:17,270 they run when it comes to validating 614 00:26:17,270 --> 00:26:18,559 that yes I've already gone through this 615 00:26:18,559 --> 00:26:19,540 in some 616 00:26:19,540 --> 00:26:21,820 we start with the why so why would the 617 00:26:21,820 --> 00:26:24,340 customer use and why should we do it but 618 00:26:24,340 --> 00:26:26,530 I think the core thing that we need to 619 00:26:26,530 --> 00:26:28,510 look at is really who is our customer 620 00:26:28,510 --> 00:26:32,190 who is the user can we actually 621 00:26:32,190 --> 00:26:34,300 understand what job they're doing and by 622 00:26:34,300 --> 00:26:37,030 that I don't mean being on the screen on 623 00:26:37,030 --> 00:26:38,680 their keyboard I should say no tapping 624 00:26:38,680 --> 00:26:40,150 on their screen although some people 625 00:26:40,150 --> 00:26:43,810 might do it's not how they use the 626 00:26:43,810 --> 00:26:46,120 product in itself it's actually what 627 00:26:46,120 --> 00:26:47,740 problem they're trying to solve are they 628 00:26:47,740 --> 00:26:50,260 trying to engage their students you know 629 00:26:50,260 --> 00:26:53,050 are they trying to use to talk to 630 00:26:53,050 --> 00:26:54,820 somebody that's in a remote and rural 631 00:26:54,820 --> 00:26:57,220 area that doesn't have access to the 632 00:26:57,220 --> 00:26:58,330 internet all the time 633 00:26:58,330 --> 00:27:01,540 so it's about getting that narrative up 634 00:27:01,540 --> 00:27:03,120 and understanding what that is and then 635 00:27:03,120 --> 00:27:07,230 so that should then inform our ideas 636 00:27:07,230 --> 00:27:10,780 with the prioritization we need to be 637 00:27:10,780 --> 00:27:12,460 driven by product vision I have written 638 00:27:12,460 --> 00:27:13,660 up the product list now I'm going to 639 00:27:13,660 --> 00:27:15,250 publish all these things over the next 640 00:27:15,250 --> 00:27:17,830 couple of weeks the product vision for 641 00:27:17,830 --> 00:27:19,450 all the different products how they're 642 00:27:19,450 --> 00:27:21,640 all linked together and things linking 643 00:27:21,640 --> 00:27:23,080 things with the business objectives and 644 00:27:23,080 --> 00:27:25,330 then we have a combined criteria that 645 00:27:25,330 --> 00:27:27,010 we've set up which is about business 646 00:27:27,010 --> 00:27:29,560 sustainability how it's alliance with 647 00:27:29,560 --> 00:27:32,140 our business goals and objectives what 648 00:27:32,140 --> 00:27:34,360 the demand is what the effort is and 649 00:27:34,360 --> 00:27:36,670 what the risk is so that's actually 650 00:27:36,670 --> 00:27:38,440 something that we do internally amongst 651 00:27:38,440 --> 00:27:41,860 the management team at at Moodle and 652 00:27:41,860 --> 00:27:43,570 then we'll publish that out to the wider 653 00:27:43,570 --> 00:27:46,570 community once we've gone through that 654 00:27:46,570 --> 00:27:49,900 process we're not quite there yet we're 655 00:27:49,900 --> 00:27:52,150 having quite landed on I haven't quite 656 00:27:52,150 --> 00:27:54,280 landed the process and got it out to you 657 00:27:54,280 --> 00:27:58,060 guys yet so that's that's my number one 658 00:27:58,060 --> 00:28:01,120 one task I've now got the whole right 659 00:28:01,120 --> 00:28:04,750 team working on their individual things 660 00:28:04,750 --> 00:28:07,210 and they starting to converge as well so 661 00:28:07,210 --> 00:28:10,240 I like the space were in ah it's been a 662 00:28:10,240 --> 00:28:11,680 bit of a scramble because I had them 663 00:28:11,680 --> 00:28:13,600 when I came on board there was three 664 00:28:13,600 --> 00:28:14,950 products that were launching in the 665 00:28:14,950 --> 00:28:19,390 first three months of 2019 so they were 666 00:28:19,390 --> 00:28:21,880 I wasn't doing it myself but I was kind 667 00:28:21,880 --> 00:28:23,320 of trying to understand all the products 668 00:28:23,320 --> 00:28:24,970 and support the teams in getting this 669 00:28:24,970 --> 00:28:28,390 products out we done it we're getting 670 00:28:28,390 --> 00:28:29,440 better and better 671 00:28:29,440 --> 00:28:33,340 and then in then I'll keep talking 672 00:28:33,340 --> 00:28:34,960 empower teams but I just think it's so 673 00:28:34,960 --> 00:28:36,970 important they understand the risks they 674 00:28:36,970 --> 00:28:39,250 understand what the customer values they 675 00:28:39,250 --> 00:28:40,900 are driven by the product vision and 676 00:28:40,900 --> 00:28:43,810 their business objectives but working 677 00:28:43,810 --> 00:28:45,970 together and bringing in the brick 678 00:28:45,970 --> 00:28:50,100 bigger teams from the community okay so 679 00:28:50,100 --> 00:28:52,690 this is as close as you'll get to a road 680 00:28:52,690 --> 00:28:54,220 map now we're going to talk about some 681 00:28:54,220 --> 00:28:57,940 key projects and product timelines there 682 00:28:57,940 --> 00:29:00,700 we go we have some themes that we're 683 00:29:00,700 --> 00:29:02,410 working or initiatives that we working 684 00:29:02,410 --> 00:29:05,680 across the products guess what engage 685 00:29:05,680 --> 00:29:07,440 community 686 00:29:07,440 --> 00:29:12,480 the other one is where's my UX designers 687 00:29:12,480 --> 00:29:20,380 there there's one last one so oh they 688 00:29:20,380 --> 00:29:22,180 are I couldn't see you behind all these 689 00:29:22,180 --> 00:29:26,590 people thank you so I call it delighting 690 00:29:26,590 --> 00:29:28,540 our users we want to delight re our 691 00:29:28,540 --> 00:29:30,940 educators we want to delight our course 692 00:29:30,940 --> 00:29:32,950 creator so that they create engaging 693 00:29:32,950 --> 00:29:35,760 learning experiences for their learners 694 00:29:35,760 --> 00:29:39,340 we want to deliver customer value so 695 00:29:39,340 --> 00:29:40,930 basically understanding the customer 696 00:29:40,930 --> 00:29:43,000 problem we're working on learning 697 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:45,010 analytics across the board what do we 698 00:29:45,010 --> 00:29:46,390 need to capture and what do we need to 699 00:29:46,390 --> 00:29:49,030 what are the metrics we need to capture 700 00:29:49,030 --> 00:29:52,030 in the system accessibility as I'm I 701 00:29:52,030 --> 00:29:55,540 spelled that right yeah accessibility is 702 00:29:55,540 --> 00:29:58,690 something that's coming around that 703 00:29:58,690 --> 00:30:01,390 that's going to be regulated and and and 704 00:30:01,390 --> 00:30:04,180 and compliance tested and then some of 705 00:30:04,180 --> 00:30:05,770 the key things that are saying the 706 00:30:05,770 --> 00:30:08,080 integration and interoperability between 707 00:30:08,080 --> 00:30:09,850 our own products but also with other 708 00:30:09,850 --> 00:30:12,070 products so some of the integration 709 00:30:12,070 --> 00:30:17,770 partners that we're rolling in with the 710 00:30:17,770 --> 00:30:20,020 product and making hopefully creating 711 00:30:20,020 --> 00:30:22,420 better value both for the part for the 712 00:30:22,420 --> 00:30:26,440 other partners and for our customers but 713 00:30:26,440 --> 00:30:28,180 also integrating our own product so 714 00:30:28,180 --> 00:30:31,720 basically Moodle net into into Moodle 715 00:30:31,720 --> 00:30:35,380 core using Moodle LMS or a core for for 716 00:30:35,380 --> 00:30:39,880 our MSE and using MSE to sell so I don't 717 00:30:39,880 --> 00:30:41,260 mean sell us in sell for money 718 00:30:41,260 --> 00:30:43,870 necessarily but like set up the system 719 00:30:43,870 --> 00:30:45,730 and educate people in the use of the 720 00:30:45,730 --> 00:30:47,570 product and finally that the 721 00:30:47,570 --> 00:30:49,070 thing that's now coming together for me 722 00:30:49,070 --> 00:30:50,780 is that all our products are starting to 723 00:30:50,780 --> 00:30:54,620 converge again so so that's a that helps 724 00:30:54,620 --> 00:30:57,410 me it's so important to everybody else 725 00:30:57,410 --> 00:30:59,840 but I can see you know both the LMS and 726 00:30:59,840 --> 00:31:03,620 and workplace and Moodle sound and net 727 00:31:03,620 --> 00:31:06,320 so they're coming together all right so 728 00:31:06,320 --> 00:31:08,450 I'm gonna quickly go through the product 729 00:31:08,450 --> 00:31:11,570 vision for for each one of the products 730 00:31:11,570 --> 00:31:14,360 so to be the number one open-source 731 00:31:14,360 --> 00:31:15,620 teaching and learning platform I think 732 00:31:15,620 --> 00:31:19,520 we are globally so no surprises there I 733 00:31:19,520 --> 00:31:23,840 hope so this I just set up this this is 734 00:31:23,840 --> 00:31:25,400 kind of like the closest we get right 735 00:31:25,400 --> 00:31:27,680 now because we want some more input on 736 00:31:27,680 --> 00:31:31,850 where we're going over the next few few 737 00:31:31,850 --> 00:31:33,470 years so we have delivered three point 738 00:31:33,470 --> 00:31:38,540 six and three point seven already some 739 00:31:38,540 --> 00:31:41,180 of the so that the forum project is kind 740 00:31:41,180 --> 00:31:42,680 of one of the big projects that we've 741 00:31:42,680 --> 00:31:44,990 been working on so that started out with 742 00:31:44,990 --> 00:31:46,640 the Ryoka tech thing we're working with 743 00:31:46,640 --> 00:31:49,700 the moodle user association on that so 744 00:31:49,700 --> 00:31:53,150 as you can see there for our three point 745 00:31:53,150 --> 00:31:55,880 eight delivery we are specifically 746 00:31:55,880 --> 00:31:58,760 working on the advanced forums so 747 00:31:58,760 --> 00:32:01,130 building on the hour we are collecting 748 00:32:01,130 --> 00:32:03,220 some that we did for three point seven 749 00:32:03,220 --> 00:32:06,440 we have focused on h 5p anybody here 750 00:32:06,440 --> 00:32:09,670 want h 5p i thought so 751 00:32:09,670 --> 00:32:13,910 important stuff so so the team has has 752 00:32:13,910 --> 00:32:15,920 done an initial assessment they started 753 00:32:15,920 --> 00:32:17,210 working on it they're working with the 754 00:32:17,210 --> 00:32:22,190 with with the plugin that's there but 755 00:32:22,190 --> 00:32:24,260 also looking at how we integrate it even 756 00:32:24,260 --> 00:32:26,120 more martin is heavily involved with 757 00:32:26,120 --> 00:32:27,740 that because this is one of his passion 758 00:32:27,740 --> 00:32:29,750 projects martin gets to decide one 759 00:32:29,750 --> 00:32:34,340 project for release right most of them 760 00:32:34,340 --> 00:32:36,980 then i try to let the team decide the 761 00:32:36,980 --> 00:32:40,100 rest but learning analytics is another 762 00:32:40,100 --> 00:32:41,930 care that we're kind of looking at more 763 00:32:41,930 --> 00:32:44,750 and more to evolve and work with you 764 00:32:44,750 --> 00:32:45,890 guys so one of the things we're looking 765 00:32:45,890 --> 00:32:47,510 at it's kind of like a smart pot or a 766 00:32:47,510 --> 00:32:50,330 student assistant to come in don't know 767 00:32:50,330 --> 00:32:52,790 if we're landing it in 3.8 because we've 768 00:32:52,790 --> 00:32:54,770 just decided in the last couple of weeks 769 00:32:54,770 --> 00:32:56,750 that we're just going to focus on a 770 00:32:56,750 --> 00:32:59,450 couple of key projects and then we are 771 00:32:59,450 --> 00:33:00,340 looking 772 00:33:00,340 --> 00:33:03,460 at you can see at the bottom that the 773 00:33:03,460 --> 00:33:05,500 continuous improvement activity to say 774 00:33:05,500 --> 00:33:09,429 anybody love the activity chooser in its 775 00:33:09,429 --> 00:33:12,730 current form anybody not love the 776 00:33:12,730 --> 00:33:15,419 activity chooser in their current form 777 00:33:15,419 --> 00:33:18,700 so so that's the and we've done some 778 00:33:18,700 --> 00:33:21,400 work some initials work on that and some 779 00:33:21,400 --> 00:33:24,429 initial designs that we'll be testing 780 00:33:24,429 --> 00:33:27,429 out for that relative dates so relative 781 00:33:27,429 --> 00:33:29,740 to when the course started and relative 782 00:33:29,740 --> 00:33:33,010 to when the student started we're trying 783 00:33:33,010 --> 00:33:35,140 to look at this ones may not all land in 784 00:33:35,140 --> 00:33:40,179 3.8 or in the next what is it 15 weeks 785 00:33:40,179 --> 00:33:44,260 or something 70 or days but we are doing 786 00:33:44,260 --> 00:33:47,289 the planning for the next releases so 787 00:33:47,289 --> 00:33:48,690 what we're trying to do here is a 788 00:33:48,690 --> 00:33:51,820 process of continuous continuous 789 00:33:51,820 --> 00:33:54,760 discovery and deliveries away while 790 00:33:54,760 --> 00:33:56,140 we're working on the others were still 791 00:33:56,140 --> 00:33:58,539 we're planning out the next ones for the 792 00:33:58,539 --> 00:34:03,880 next releases all right on to workplace 793 00:34:03,880 --> 00:34:06,309 so I always do them in this order it 794 00:34:06,309 --> 00:34:07,659 might not make sense to everybody else 795 00:34:07,659 --> 00:34:10,480 it does to me it's really to be the 796 00:34:10,480 --> 00:34:12,550 number one platform for organizational 797 00:34:12,550 --> 00:34:14,199 learning and development but building on 798 00:34:14,199 --> 00:34:17,800 Moodle LMS platform with work workplace 799 00:34:17,800 --> 00:34:24,159 specific features and benefits so what 800 00:34:24,159 --> 00:34:26,290 we did this year was we had the MVP 801 00:34:26,290 --> 00:34:27,668 announcement and we've just done the 802 00:34:27,668 --> 00:34:30,129 production ready versions that version 803 00:34:30,129 --> 00:34:33,460 does with our key partners that the 804 00:34:33,460 --> 00:34:35,349 partners that have been involved in the 805 00:34:35,349 --> 00:34:38,409 development you all know that it's what 806 00:34:38,409 --> 00:34:39,790 Moodle workplace is a collaborative 807 00:34:39,790 --> 00:34:47,310 project between will HQ and partners who 808 00:34:47,310 --> 00:34:49,389 wanted to be involved with it they've 809 00:34:49,389 --> 00:34:51,550 gone through they've assessed what which 810 00:34:51,550 --> 00:34:53,520 and a lot of these partners have 811 00:34:53,520 --> 00:34:56,710 extensive experience in organization 812 00:34:56,710 --> 00:34:58,210 learning and development or corporate 813 00:34:58,210 --> 00:35:00,670 learning and so we've taken the the 814 00:35:00,670 --> 00:35:02,830 brains trust and worked with them I'm 815 00:35:02,830 --> 00:35:04,119 not saying that others couldn't have 816 00:35:04,119 --> 00:35:05,980 been involved in that but we've worked 817 00:35:05,980 --> 00:35:08,250 with them very closely to get that key 818 00:35:08,250 --> 00:35:10,780 the core set of functionality that was 819 00:35:10,780 --> 00:35:13,240 required for for workplace learning and 820 00:35:13,240 --> 00:35:14,390 so our first 821 00:35:14,390 --> 00:35:15,799 three points and so you can see we have 822 00:35:15,799 --> 00:35:18,079 the same versioning as for the LMS 823 00:35:18,079 --> 00:35:20,690 because there are dependencies there has 824 00:35:20,690 --> 00:35:23,599 those key features and it's an entry 825 00:35:23,599 --> 00:35:25,490 level product but it's really nice and 826 00:35:25,490 --> 00:35:28,849 smooth and and what you call it tidy 827 00:35:28,849 --> 00:35:30,920 a tidy user experience it's got a theme 828 00:35:30,920 --> 00:35:33,500 that specific for workplaces targeting 829 00:35:33,500 --> 00:35:36,710 workplace it's got the course formats of 830 00:35:36,710 --> 00:35:38,690 course templates that are useful for 831 00:35:38,690 --> 00:35:39,230 that 832 00:35:39,230 --> 00:35:41,180 so our next stage is really about 833 00:35:41,180 --> 00:35:43,010 delivering more migrate and migration 834 00:35:43,010 --> 00:35:45,410 tools more integration integration with 835 00:35:45,410 --> 00:35:48,019 the LMS and recertification which is 836 00:35:48,019 --> 00:35:50,660 linked to the others I have put as a 837 00:35:50,660 --> 00:35:52,760 placeholder on all of these ones now 838 00:35:52,760 --> 00:35:54,349 that we will be working with the 839 00:35:54,349 --> 00:35:56,450 community partners and customers to 840 00:35:56,450 --> 00:35:58,250 determine what the best priorities we've 841 00:35:58,250 --> 00:36:01,369 got a whole long long long wish list for 842 00:36:01,369 --> 00:36:03,589 all the products of of things we think 843 00:36:03,589 --> 00:36:05,269 we should be doing but we actually want 844 00:36:05,269 --> 00:36:07,369 to work with you guys to validate those 845 00:36:07,369 --> 00:36:10,849 ones does anybody here have a branded 846 00:36:10,849 --> 00:36:12,440 app for that so we've got a whole apps 847 00:36:12,440 --> 00:36:15,019 team in in Spain but does anybody have I 848 00:36:15,019 --> 00:36:16,970 know there is one customer here that has 849 00:36:16,970 --> 00:36:18,470 a branded app but I don't know if he's 850 00:36:18,470 --> 00:36:20,480 still around here so do you know what a 851 00:36:20,480 --> 00:36:24,859 branded app is yeah anybody not know 852 00:36:24,859 --> 00:36:28,700 what branded apps are okay well then I 853 00:36:28,700 --> 00:36:31,250 don't need to explain it all right what 854 00:36:31,250 --> 00:36:32,750 we do is we basically take the standard 855 00:36:32,750 --> 00:36:35,059 up which is there so that we can we can 856 00:36:35,059 --> 00:36:36,710 ensure that people who don't necessarily 857 00:36:36,710 --> 00:36:39,710 have access to networks at all times can 858 00:36:39,710 --> 00:36:42,470 access can download and access their 859 00:36:42,470 --> 00:36:44,210 their courses or we can bring learning 860 00:36:44,210 --> 00:36:47,180 to two regions and places where people 861 00:36:47,180 --> 00:36:49,819 don't don't have it wouldn't normally 862 00:36:49,819 --> 00:36:51,980 have access to it while they're not at 863 00:36:51,980 --> 00:36:54,259 school and then we can take the the 864 00:36:54,259 --> 00:36:56,390 branded APIs I version of that a little 865 00:36:56,390 --> 00:36:58,160 bit more advanced features but it also 866 00:36:58,160 --> 00:36:59,960 allows the institution or the 867 00:36:59,960 --> 00:37:01,880 organization to have their own branding 868 00:37:01,880 --> 00:37:04,279 on it and their own app in the App Store 869 00:37:04,279 --> 00:37:07,450 so that it's a I guess for larger 870 00:37:07,450 --> 00:37:09,700 institutional institutions it would be a 871 00:37:09,700 --> 00:37:13,640 sales tool if you like to get oversea 872 00:37:13,640 --> 00:37:16,609 students in for example but talk to 873 00:37:16,609 --> 00:37:19,250 Fiona if you guys are looking after want 874 00:37:19,250 --> 00:37:23,390 one of those things and our partners so 875 00:37:23,390 --> 00:37:26,089 it's aligned with LMS but we're looking 876 00:37:26,089 --> 00:37:28,210 at some improve the 877 00:37:28,210 --> 00:37:30,880 features for the branded app so we're 878 00:37:30,880 --> 00:37:32,320 doing a campaign at the moment to 879 00:37:32,320 --> 00:37:34,180 generate awareness and leads around it 880 00:37:34,180 --> 00:37:35,440 but we're also looking at identifying 881 00:37:35,440 --> 00:37:37,960 Pro future so we are working with some 882 00:37:37,960 --> 00:37:40,300 of our so for example for the the 883 00:37:40,300 --> 00:37:42,280 workplace app we'll be doing a manager 884 00:37:42,280 --> 00:37:44,830 view for higher education we're looking 885 00:37:44,830 --> 00:37:46,990 at doing a teacher view that will allow 886 00:37:46,990 --> 00:37:49,330 you to do the more grading and more 887 00:37:49,330 --> 00:37:51,910 setup and things while you're on the go 888 00:37:51,910 --> 00:37:55,420 as an educator and then we're doing some 889 00:37:55,420 --> 00:38:00,099 partner and enablement on that ok modal 890 00:38:00,099 --> 00:38:01,210 cloud we want to provide the most 891 00:38:01,210 --> 00:38:03,369 affordable robust and easy to use Moodle 892 00:38:03,369 --> 00:38:05,190 hosting for small to medium sized 893 00:38:05,190 --> 00:38:07,869 organizations so so at the moment we've 894 00:38:07,869 --> 00:38:09,970 got a few different packages that we're 895 00:38:09,970 --> 00:38:12,000 looking at creating more packages 896 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:15,670 simplified onboarding did anybody find 897 00:38:15,670 --> 00:38:18,849 it super easy to sign up and set up 898 00:38:18,849 --> 00:38:21,700 their Moodle cloud site one person found 899 00:38:21,700 --> 00:38:25,450 it really easy to three oh that's good 900 00:38:25,450 --> 00:38:26,980 I'm happy but you guys are the experts 901 00:38:26,980 --> 00:38:29,740 so we are doing some work to simplify 902 00:38:29,740 --> 00:38:34,780 the user experience and and and and make 903 00:38:34,780 --> 00:38:36,730 the onboarding easier but the other 904 00:38:36,730 --> 00:38:39,339 thing as well we're doing some I guess 905 00:38:39,339 --> 00:38:40,060 purpose-built 906 00:38:40,060 --> 00:38:42,510 packages for different different 907 00:38:42,510 --> 00:38:44,440 customers but we'll be working with the 908 00:38:44,440 --> 00:38:47,140 partners because I'll encourage you guys 909 00:38:47,140 --> 00:38:49,560 to go and have a look at the moodle net 910 00:38:49,560 --> 00:38:51,359 resources that we've got online 911 00:38:51,359 --> 00:38:54,930 especially for the educators it's a it's 912 00:38:54,930 --> 00:38:57,640 it's a whole different kind of Moodle 913 00:38:57,640 --> 00:38:59,560 but it actually brings the moodle's of 914 00:38:59,560 --> 00:39:01,530 the world together so you can share 915 00:39:01,530 --> 00:39:05,859 share resources in a I was going to say 916 00:39:05,859 --> 00:39:09,220 in a fun way but in in a way that you 917 00:39:09,220 --> 00:39:10,690 haven't been able to do before because 918 00:39:10,690 --> 00:39:13,330 it's it's a federated system so it links 919 00:39:13,330 --> 00:39:15,599 in with your different moodle's there 920 00:39:15,599 --> 00:39:19,210 that's we're launching that in later 921 00:39:19,210 --> 00:39:21,070 this year it will be integrated Moodle 922 00:39:21,070 --> 00:39:25,560 so that you can so you can share and 923 00:39:25,560 --> 00:39:29,020 load resources into Moodle at the moment 924 00:39:29,020 --> 00:39:30,490 we're running some controlled pilots for 925 00:39:30,490 --> 00:39:31,870 that 926 00:39:31,870 --> 00:39:34,270 I had to be the preferred curriculum and 927 00:39:34,270 --> 00:39:35,830 accreditation program for the digital 928 00:39:35,830 --> 00:39:37,960 conferences for educational institutions 929 00:39:37,960 --> 00:39:40,230 and trading organizations worldwide 930 00:39:40,230 --> 00:39:43,360 we've been working with a bunch of 931 00:39:43,360 --> 00:39:45,100 partners o know if you've talked about 932 00:39:45,100 --> 00:39:46,450 focus groups while we're working with 933 00:39:46,450 --> 00:39:48,310 some focus groups to get input and 934 00:39:48,310 --> 00:39:50,800 feedback to the system there we are 935 00:39:50,800 --> 00:39:54,490 looking how we can work with you guys to 936 00:39:54,490 --> 00:39:57,340 reuse the the fabric if you like of this 937 00:39:57,340 --> 00:39:59,590 and cut new patterns in it maybe we can 938 00:39:59,590 --> 00:40:02,110 even tailor it for you ASSA how can you 939 00:40:02,110 --> 00:40:07,000 guys help we need to work with people to 940 00:40:07,000 --> 00:40:09,460 make sure that we verify the customer 941 00:40:09,460 --> 00:40:11,710 problems and needs so that we can 942 00:40:11,710 --> 00:40:14,260 understand the customer value and help 943 00:40:14,260 --> 00:40:16,180 our partners help you to get the right 944 00:40:16,180 --> 00:40:20,080 tools out there and and I guess engaged 945 00:40:20,080 --> 00:40:22,450 learners and provide quality education 946 00:40:22,450 --> 00:40:26,680 so that would be user interviews it 947 00:40:26,680 --> 00:40:29,200 might be testing it might be writing up 948 00:40:29,200 --> 00:40:31,030 with tests checking our requirements and 949 00:40:31,030 --> 00:40:33,090 that sort of stuff 950 00:40:33,090 --> 00:40:36,400 we have some designers head anyway I saw 951 00:40:36,400 --> 00:40:37,900 there was people that put up their hands 952 00:40:37,900 --> 00:40:40,720 if you're into UX design or UI design 953 00:40:40,720 --> 00:40:45,010 please reach out to us and we have only 954 00:40:45,010 --> 00:40:47,230 a tiny little team of designers so we 955 00:40:47,230 --> 00:40:51,130 can always do with more their UX and 956 00:40:51,130 --> 00:40:53,260 usability testing this is critical this 957 00:40:53,260 --> 00:40:55,510 is about seeing what features you know 958 00:40:55,510 --> 00:40:57,340 where as as we're developing them and 959 00:40:57,340 --> 00:40:59,170 coming up with new design so it's early 960 00:40:59,170 --> 00:41:01,240 access to prototypes giving input into 961 00:41:01,240 --> 00:41:04,270 the product product direction so that we 962 00:41:04,270 --> 00:41:07,320 can decide on that together 963 00:41:07,500 --> 00:41:09,550 functionality testing I don't know do 964 00:41:09,550 --> 00:41:11,620 any of you guys get involved in this 965 00:41:11,620 --> 00:41:17,110 Shuhei cycle for the LMS I'm happy to 966 00:41:17,110 --> 00:41:18,610 hear that some people get involved with 967 00:41:18,610 --> 00:41:20,470 that we can always do with more people 968 00:41:20,470 --> 00:41:22,570 run a process right at the end we'll be 969 00:41:22,570 --> 00:41:24,850 running much more of that throughout 970 00:41:24,850 --> 00:41:27,280 because we're getting more agile again 971 00:41:27,280 --> 00:41:29,650 so we'll be turning out functionality 972 00:41:29,650 --> 00:41:31,060 and asking people to get involved with 973 00:41:31,060 --> 00:41:33,160 testing but we will be reaching out to 974 00:41:33,160 --> 00:41:34,960 see if we can get get people's 975 00:41:34,960 --> 00:41:39,700 specifically involved with that and for 976 00:41:39,700 --> 00:41:42,520 the developers in the room we want you 977 00:41:42,520 --> 00:41:45,010 to work with us on the key projects 978 00:41:45,010 --> 00:41:47,590 on the on the on the roadmap priorities 979 00:41:47,590 --> 00:41:51,370 and and that can be our key projects but 980 00:41:51,370 --> 00:41:53,470 it can also be specific so we might go 981 00:41:53,470 --> 00:41:54,550 and say well we're going to work on 982 00:41:54,550 --> 00:41:57,160 database now for as an activity in now 983 00:41:57,160 --> 00:42:00,880 for the next two sprints or let I might 984 00:42:00,880 --> 00:42:02,890 not say now in two sprints we're going 985 00:42:02,890 --> 00:42:05,200 to work on database for example I'm not 986 00:42:05,200 --> 00:42:06,670 saying that that's going to be the one 987 00:42:06,670 --> 00:42:08,260 that we do but we might be working on 988 00:42:08,260 --> 00:42:09,850 that from a usability and from a 989 00:42:09,850 --> 00:42:11,620 development perspective and getting 990 00:42:11,620 --> 00:42:13,930 people in also it's it's it's about 991 00:42:13,930 --> 00:42:16,000 having some intent around the products 992 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:19,390 that we're working on social proof so 993 00:42:19,390 --> 00:42:22,120 nobody buys anything nowadays unless 994 00:42:22,120 --> 00:42:24,580 they or unless they hear it from their 995 00:42:24,580 --> 00:42:26,140 friends they hear it from people that 996 00:42:26,140 --> 00:42:29,140 they trust so if you are having good 997 00:42:29,140 --> 00:42:31,180 experiences with Moodle please go out 998 00:42:31,180 --> 00:42:34,060 there and give us a review on kotero 999 00:42:34,060 --> 00:42:37,600 or other products or just give us some 1000 00:42:37,600 --> 00:42:39,340 testimonials we are always looking for 1001 00:42:39,340 --> 00:42:41,800 case studies and there's my favorite I 1002 00:42:41,800 --> 00:42:43,900 want to work so one of the techniques 1003 00:42:43,900 --> 00:42:45,820 that we can use to actually identify the 1004 00:42:45,820 --> 00:42:49,260 customer needs is to you can write a 1005 00:42:49,260 --> 00:42:51,790 press release in advance but I actually 1006 00:42:51,790 --> 00:42:53,920 really like the customer reference 1007 00:42:53,920 --> 00:42:56,350 letter so you start working you can 1008 00:42:56,350 --> 00:42:58,300 invent your own customer a future 1009 00:42:58,300 --> 00:43:04,510 customer reference letter or you can you 1010 00:43:04,510 --> 00:43:05,830 can actually work directly with 1011 00:43:05,830 --> 00:43:07,480 customers so I'd love to work with the 1012 00:43:07,480 --> 00:43:10,330 partners in the room and with customers 1013 00:43:10,330 --> 00:43:12,970 in the room who are looking to go to to 1014 00:43:12,970 --> 00:43:15,280 use a new feature and then let's workout 1015 00:43:15,280 --> 00:43:17,710 and write the requirements in forms in 1016 00:43:17,710 --> 00:43:20,980 form of a thank or a reference letter in 1017 00:43:20,980 --> 00:43:22,960 advance before we've done it because 1018 00:43:22,960 --> 00:43:25,060 that gives us intent for our development 1019 00:43:25,060 --> 00:43:27,850 intent for our design if you do want to 1020 00:43:27,850 --> 00:43:29,560 get involved we've got a web page called 1021 00:43:29,560 --> 00:43:32,710 on the.com called get involved asks a 1022 00:43:32,710 --> 00:43:34,150 little bit about your role and what you 1023 00:43:34,150 --> 00:43:36,900 do and then we will be contacting people 1024 00:43:36,900 --> 00:43:41,530 about specific projects for that you're 1025 00:43:41,530 --> 00:00:00,000 gonna start yes