LMS To Help With Employee Engagement — Here’s How

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Learning Management Systems, or LMS, are the backbone of learning purposes for organizations of all kinds. Since the pandemic, the demand for these programs has skyrocketed, with reported estimates of their value up to $32 billion in 2020 alone. A huge jump from 2015’s $8 billion, if numbers are to be believed. The growth rate would amount to 25% by 2029.

Though LMS platforms have mostly benefited educational institutions, any company can make use of them to increase employee engagement, retention, satisfaction, productivity and more. Furthermore, integrating education into your company culture promotes better focus and participation among workers.

Here are a few of the reasons why an LMS will encourage employees to be more active and productive within their roles and your organization as a whole.

№ 1. By providing quality insights

Since LMS can be used to teach and train, they will be able to give your employees quality insights into the new trends and findings within your industry as well. Unlike traditional learning, these platforms can be more selective and specialized when it comes to what courses are being taught, making them more comprehensive and relevant to the needs of your associates. The information is also more concise, and next-gen platforms are already equipped with a host of interactive and multimedia solutions to “plug and play” into your courses. To gain knowledge, employees need to be more engaged in their work and tasks. This will push them to become more active within your company and in their roles within their teams.

№ 2. By fostering spaces for innovation

With more insights, workers can apply what they have learned to the company. They are equipped with new skills and knowledge to push innovations within your organization turning them into active participants rather than passive ones. LMS platforms like e-Bloom also make it a point to integrate agile methodologies into their courses to promote better creativity and flexibility among learners. The ability to create innovation will push employees to be more effective within their roles as they are more confident in themselves and their skills. This confidence boost that LMS provides is an important factor that prevents employees from shying away from taking on difficult tasks.

№ 3. By acknowledging employee’s efforts and making them feel valued

One of the reasons employees may feel disengaged from your company is because they don’t feel like valuable team members. Utilizing LMS shows them that your organization actually values their input since it’s interactive instead of just a one-way channel. An article by LHH on a return on investments explains that taking time to focus on their professional development improves retention rate. Giving employees the necessary resources to upskill turns them into assets, making their education a worthwhile investment. As mentioned earlier, this is beneficial to your company because it promotes morale and also makes them more effective workers. Investing in LMS platforms for your employees will make them feel more valued, boost their engagement, and push them to be more productive, making your company more profitable as a whole.

№ 4. By leveraging collaboration

The International Journal of Technology in Education explains how LMS software often makes learners do group activities as a medium for learning (PDF). With this, employees will be able to build better relationships with their colleagues, to the extent of possibly forming friendships. This will make your company a more collaborative space and encourage them to be more engaged to work together efficiently and effectively. Teamwork is important because it requires the active participation of all parties involved. LMS will foster better collaboration among teams and encourage them to continue working together to succeed within their roles.

Learning management systems as a medium of instruction can truly encourage better employee engagement for your company. Aside from giving them important insights, it is an effective tool for training them and furthering their professional development. Utilizing them within your company is a worthwhile investment that pays off in the long run.

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