A Moodle-Slack Integration Is The Perfect Ally To Engage Your Students

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The Slack Message Processor plugin is officially compatible with Moodle 3.2 and 3.3. It might work on a newer version of Moodle (or it may not).

The messaging tool Slack is a really useful software used in many fields, and did you know there is a way to manage your Slack communications in Moodle? With Slack-Moodle integration you will be able to go back and forth between platforms and colleagues effortlessly. Upload files, update content; filter and organize discussions thematically, find people and more.

Another great set of features becomes available when the course has a Slack channel for student-to-teacher communication. Slack can be surprisingly useful for real-time support from the instructor’s side. It works as an alert system for teachers and students. Users can easily address the information and manage notifications with high granularity. Notify about new Moodle content in Slack courses, announcements, feedback or just about any kind of information, Deliver messages to groups of people on individual Slack channels.

The Moodle-Slack integration also allows to automate notifications from events in the platform. Notifications can come from activities such as:

  • Assignments
  • Feedbacks
  • Forums
  • Lessons
  • System notifications
  • Learning Plans
  • Manual enrolments or self-enrolment
  • Inbound message configurations

How to set up Moodle-Slack integration

  1. Log in to your Moodle
  2. Go to Preferences in Moodle user menu
  3. Click on Notification Preferences
  4. Click Enable Slack notifications
  5. Sign into your Slack account

A Moodle-Slack Integration Is The Perfect Ally To Engage Your Students

  1. Turn on the activities that you want to get notified by Slack. For example, if you turn on the assignments category, every time a new assignment is added, users will get a notification both on Moodle and Slack.

A Moodle-Slack Integration Is The Perfect Ally To Engage Your Students

Then you’ll be able to get notified about a new assignment.

A Moodle-Slack Integration Is The Perfect Ally To Engage Your Students

Experience the full Moodle-Slack integration now.

A Moodle-Slack Integration Is The Perfect Ally To Engage Your Students

If you’re planning to integrate your Moodle instance to a Slack account you can get the guidance from a team of experts, such as Paradiso, that will help you set this or any of the more than 100 Moodle integrations they offer.

Download or install Slack message processor from the Moodle Plugin Directory.

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