How To Empower College Students With eLearning In 9 Simple, AI-Powered Steps

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Remember the days when attending in-person classes was the only way to earn a college degree? While this worked well for younger students fresh out of high school, or those who were in between jobs, it really wasn’t the best solution for people looking for further their career while working their regular full-time job. Thankfully, there’s been a huge shift in the way you can learn.

These days, it’s not just possible to attend courses online at your convenience: Thanks to the new wave of AI solutions, students are able empower themselves further with the help of technology. eLearning revolutionized the way you can earn a degree. And with tools like ChatGPT, all of us are about to embark on a journey of constant quality and efficacy betterment.

If you’ve been thinking about earning another degree but aren’t sure if eLearning is right for you, this post is for you. Here are some of the top benefits eLearning has to offer, and the ways ChatGPT can have your back every step of the journey.

№1. Reduce tuition costs

Even though tuition costs are on the rise, going to school online is still cheaper than going in person. In many cases, it’s the cost-effective solution people who earn less need to earn their degree. You can even look to getting a student loan with a cosigner if needed. Since being approved for a loan depends on a lot of things, such as your credit score, debt load, and your employment history, having a cosigner can help you get the money you need to attend classes online.

Of course… Have thought about not enrolling on a program altogether? With the grown flexibility in micro credentialing, and external tools and solutions to follow up your progress towards your competencies, university enrollment be damned.

№2. Get the flexibility you need

When you go to school online, the courses are usually self-paced. Although you do have specific deadlines for homework and exams, you can log on when convenient for you. If you’re still working your regular job, you don’t have to worry about trying to fit studying in after work. You can set aside time on the weekends when you have more time. You can also take your studies with you wherever you go. The increased flexibility is what makes e-learning a viable option for so many people.

The rise of online tutoring services has become another blow to brick-and-mortar programs. With the ability to ask for personalized help from a human at a moment’s notice, often outsourced, online programs can guarantee a high-touch online learning experience in cost-effective ways.

№3. Personalize your path

Another benefit of online schooling is that you can personalize your studies. With traditional education models, you must sit through instruction and probably complete coursework on topics you already know. Even if you already earned a degree, you might be required to do the same coursework again. However, when you go online, things may be different. While you may need to take a course that’s similar, you can skip over sections that you’ve already completed, making it less redundant and cumbersome. If you already have previous knowledge, you can use that to complete your assignments faster.

№4. Put sustainability at work in your education

With online learning, you can also significantly decrease the amount of paper waste you create. Since most of the educational materials are online, including textbooks, homework, and exams, you have everything you need to succeed on your computer. It also means you won’t have to figure out how to get rid of old textbooks once you complete your program.

Here’s another score for open source, particularly OER: The ability to re-use, re-mix and re-purpose content pairs perfectly with AI-based curators and recommendation engines. So you ensure you always have the ideal, up-to-date content mix that’s perfect just for you.

№5. Don’t miss out on networking

Some might think that learning online hinders your ability to meet like-minded people. However, that’s untrue. Online, most people in your classes are working towards the same type of degree. While their end goals are different, they still have a lot in common with you. They may want to move forward in their current role, or they want to change career paths altogether. Since most online colleges offer virtual meetups, you also have a better chance of meeting people to make friends with or even network for employment opportunities.

№6. Expand on your diversity

In addition to standard degree programs, online learning also gives you access to other types of certificate programs, and that’s even at prestigious learning institutions. Since a large percentage of online students already have degrees, it’s not uncommon for them to only want to enhance what they know and used continuing education credits. That said, not every college or university offers certificate programs on campus. If they do, they might be held at a time when you can’t attend. Now that you’ve learned about the benefits, let’s look at some of the possible challenges you might face.

№8. Protect your focus

Everyone learns differently. Some students thrive when they learn online while others might need more structure. If you fall into the latter category, you should weight the pros and cons of learning online before enrolling. Don’t worry if you ultimately decide that in-person classes are better for you currently. Later, you might be more confident in your abilities to learn more independently.

There’s been a recent boom of apps aimed to improve your focus, mindfulness and general well-being. They are good allies, but consider how much relying on a structured program, or an app for that matter, is actually helpful, or does it get in the

№9. Lack of Human Interaction

You might also miss the face-to-face connection students have when they go to in-person classes. Some learners simply do better when they’re able to ask their professor questions and get an immediate response. However, if this is the only thing possibly holding you back, don’t worry. There are plenty of online resources you can use, including tutors from the school itself or from an outside resource. Additionally, most professors make themselves readily available for their students, so a quick email could answer any questions you have.

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