3 Meta-Analysis To Rethink Your Interactions With Your Learners Or Customers

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Keeping your students or your community active and engaged can be a difficult task. You don’t know what’s happening on the other side of the screen, or how they are reacting to you. That is why it is important to look for engagement strategies so as not to make the environment monotonous and boring.

These meta-analyses contain some strategies and tools that are used in marketing to apply them with consumers. But if you think about it, these strategies can be perfectly adapted for your classroom and your community. It’s just knowing how to implement them correctly to get the participation and interactivity you want.

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A Meta-Analysis of When and How Advertising Creativity Works

Sara Rosengren, Martin Eisend Scott Koslow and others (2020). Journal of Marketing. Open Access Volume: 84 issue: 6, 39-56

This meta-analysis took into account 93 data sets extracted from 67 articles providing 878 effect sizes.

Do you believe that advertising creativity is tied to attracting attention and creating a memory in the consumer? According to this meta-analysis, design is considered an important factor in marketing and is one of the focal points of the advertising industry. However, to this day there is no complete description of advertising design and how it influences consumer response. This meta-analysis seeks to synthesize the literature on consumer response to advertising design. This meta-analysis first consists of an empirical account of how advertising creative and consumer responses work and to highlight the ability of advertising creative to foster positive attitudes towards ads and the brand. Similarly, it is noted that advertising creativity is different from originality, suggesting that if marketers see creativity as synonymous with originality, they will not be able to reap the benefits of investing in advertising creativity. As a result, the effects are stronger for ad responses compared to brand responses and for attitude results compared to memory results. It is even evident that moderation analyses are weaker when evaluating creativity only as originality.  

The Take: Creativity and originality will not always be linked. Having the ability to separate and evaluate these two facts for a marketing process could be successful. 

Re-examining the Experiential Advantage in Consumption: A Meta-Analysis and Review 

Evan Weingarten and Joseph K. Goodman (2021) Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 47, Issue 6, 855–877

This meta-analysis took into account 360 effect sizes from 141 studies.

Is the shopping experience directly proportional to consumer happiness? Has it ever been? This meta-analysis develops a model of happiness and well-being based on the psychological needs of a consumer to determine how the experience of a product or service affects customers’ feelings. It also attempts to answer why, even though experiential marketing is evolving, consumers prefer to purchase material goods rather than live a memorable experience. According to the results of this study, they showed that there are positive effects in experiential purchases compared to material purchases, seen as stimulating the psychological needs of the consumer. In conclusion, it is important to consider that the experiential advantage can be presented more frequently to purchases aimed at higher incomes such as private universities, so it is emphasized that the experiential aspects of purchases are associated with a higher socioeconomic level instead of applying an experiential framework.

The Take: Taking into account psychological needs, having the purpose of looking for memorable experiences that generate products or services is a strategy to keep your mind busy and satisfied.

Persuasion Knowledge in the Marketplace: A Meta-Analysis

Martin Eisend and Farid Tarrahi (2021) Journal of Consumer Psychology, Open Access, Volume 31, Issue 1, 3-22

148 articles and 171 different data sets were taken into account for the development of this meta-analysis.

This study broadens the concept of persuasion and allows the reader to understand the knowledge of persuasion in the market. As well as comparing the strength of the effects of persuasion with the strength of the effects of persuasion in the market. It also shows what is the role of the seller in the context of persuasion, and whether its effects are intentional or not and what strategies are used to better reach the customer. For example the communication elements and how they cause the customer to develop critical reactions that lead him to buy a product or purchase a service. Finally, the proportionality of the age of the consumer with knowledge of the concept of persuasion is questioned, this is mentioned but not developed within the study.

The Take: Persuasion is an important factor for active community participation. Finding a persuasive strategy to get attention could get you what you’re looking for.

One Response

  1. The conclusion is that the ability to persuade others is a crucial component of active community engagement. It is possible that you will get what you are seeking for if you discover a convincing method to attract attention.

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