CRM-LMS Integration: Why Caring About Your Learners’ Relationships Is Good For Your Business

CRM-LMS Integration: Why Caring About Your Learners' Relationships Is Good For Your Business
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When it comes to integrating your business systems and external providers with a Learning Management System (LMS), the business and customer service potential of the CRM place a CRM-LMS pairing a match made in heaven. 

If you are familiar with the most popular integration uses of learning technology, chances are that you are interested in understanding why caring about your learners’ relationships is important.

The market size of the global learning management system is expected to increase to more than $38 billion by the year 2027 alone. L&D programs are more than just a standalone solution. They make for a valuable workforce tool for organizations across the globe.  

CRM-LMS integration provides organizations with the ability to better manage and deliver learning content, while making sure all issues are . Market research reveals that 72 percent of organizations that use an LMS believe that it offers a competitive advantage. 

Here are 8 reasons why using learning management systems as a business system software is the way to go.

1. It reduces system learning curve

One of the main reasons why CRM-LMS integration is necessary is because it helps reduce the system learning curve. 

When you integrate the LMS with the existing tools, you get to simplify the user experience. This means that learners can use new LMS functions for an accelerated learning experience. 

For instance, a real estate agency can integrate the Real Estate CRM with an LMS to provide lectures according to their past usage. As they would already know how to use the video conferencing system, they would have no trouble watching lectures online.

2. It improves performance

Another great thing about CRM-LMS integration is that it helps improve performance, if the learning client does not have to go through hoops in order to get quick answers and keep on learning. As the learning curve would be reduced, it would only boost learning engagement and lead to higher employee performance.

The LMS integration would add new employees to the learning platform automatically and make sure that they receive the necessary training. It will decrease the time it takes for them to integrate into the company and achieve their highest potential because excellent onboarding programs improve company productivity by as much as 70 percent. (PDF)

3. It boosts satisfaction and retention

A reason why you should care about your learners’ relationships is that CRM-LMS integration improves the quality of the relationship with your clients, and provides valuable data about their interests and behaviors.

As learners will feel that they are being valued as students as much as customers, it would increase their self-worth and product satisfaction, improving the chances they stick around for longer. 

4. It enhances customer service and sales

The integration of your CRM and LMS will ensure that your product or service-related learning is available for customers as part of the sales cycle, funnel or flywheel itself.

For example, you can share case studies and product fact sheets with prospects at a specific part of the buying journey or offer a setup tutorial to customers who have just purchased the product. In addition to this, you can even use integration for addressing learning needs. Thus, you get to improve customer service and sales.

Another example that will make you understand why you need to care about the learners’ relationship is the fact that you get to automatically enroll sales employees for product benefits and features updates.

Besides, recurring customer service complaints and inquiries will prompt the enrollment of employees to a resolution course.

5. It facilitates team collaboration

CRM-LMS integration facilitates team collaboration on tasks of customer education, customer support, ticketing and issue escalation, among many other duties. Since a lack of alignment within a team affects the outcome of a project or task, integration is crucial. Your CRM can integrate with existing collaboration and social tools to streamline processes.

Effective learning becomes a possibility through integration as the splitting of user attention is avoided, and a one-stop social environment is created. Small examples can help drive the idea forward: Integration with the calendar application, for instance, allows for the identification of free slots for scheduling sessions.

Moreover, integrating with the organization’s instant messaging platform will allow course interactions that lead to internal collaboration.

6. It streamlines L&D tasks, internally and externally

The integration of LMS with your company software helps streamline work and expedites cumbersome processes. From gathering learning content to creating rosters, everything will be streamlined. 

SSO integration would also mean that different back-end developers, administrators, and systems would not need to be signed in individually for accessing relevant data. This would help reduce time and effort. It would also enable instructional designers to collaborate, track course sales, and focus on fixing recurring issues.

7. It reduces error

Data integrity issues may arise when working with multiple business systems. One-off migration or regular data syncing processes between multiple systems would only prove to be time-consuming, tedious, and result in errors. 

Through LMS integrations, it is possible to eliminate input errors and redundancy. For instance, if the LMS gains direct access to the user data, administrators would not need to key in again. Instead, they would be able to point the LMS to the relevant learners.

Similarly, the achievements of your learners will be automatically synced from the LMS to the HR system. It would enable you to track progress and performance.

Moreover, all the data would be seamlessly available with just a few clicks regardless of whether it sits across different cloud providers. Therefore, admins get to enter and retrieve information easily.

8. It measures the effectiveness of Learning & Development

Finally, CRM-LMS integration allows the organization to utilize the full potential of business insight. It links actual business results for ensuring training effectiveness. You can use the reporting dashboard to understand how employees respond to the programs. 

The information you gain can be used for modifying and upgrading the available training resources for meeting company goals. It does not get better than this.

To Sum Up

Once you have finished reading this post, you will come to know just how beneficial caring about your learners’ relationships through CRM-LMS integration can be for your business. The ever-growing number of possible integrations is reason enough to proceed with the integration.

Each integration offers a host of benefits. There is nothing that you cannot achieve. Not only can you boost LMS functionality through integration, but you also get to increase the value of your data and enhance its scope. 

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