4 Best Plagiarism & Originality Apps For Educational Writing On Android
You wouldn’t steal a car. You wouldn’t read content stolen from another author.
You wouldn’t steal a car. You wouldn’t read content stolen from another author.
My guest for today is Alon Yamin, founder of Copyleaks. What started as a general purpose solution for plagiarism detection suddenly found a serious niche in the education space. Today, with integrations available for all the major LMSs out there, Copyleaks is a staple among educational users, but increasingly expanding into corporate, government and other surprising groups looking to make the most of its detection algorithms.
On the eve of September 1st, 2020, Swedish anti-plagiarism EdTech company Urkund announced the acquisition of German counterpart PlagScan, to become Ouriginal. This would make the European company the second
Updated on September 15. Urkund has acquired PlagScan to become Ouriginal. Learn more here. If you are considering a plagiarism plugin, you might have a simple goal in mind: To
Some plagiarism services help educators penalize cheating. Blackboard’s SafeAssign “promotes originality.” A recent press release announces the upcoming availability of SafeAssign in Moodlerooms and Moodle in early 2018. Much like
Quick take: It’s not enough to punish students that plagiarize. Institutions need to build a culture of integrity that discourages cheating and promotes honesty. Learn how to do that in a few steps.
Consensus suggests we can no longer trust writing as an assessment. So why don’t we focus on writing as “practice” and ensure our students find value in their writing process?
2023 was a hallmark year for AI. Artificial Intelligence seeped into more areas of the world than ever, including classrooms and learning departments everywhere. We are witnessing the introduction of
Got your free ticket yet? AI in Learning brings you the latest insights by those leading the transformation, a vibrant community, tons of resources and more.
Imagine a world where every student has access to quality education, regardless of their socioeconomic status or location. This is the vision shared by the United Nations in its Sustainable Development Goal number 4 (SDG 4). Achieving this goal has proven challenging, particularly in underserved populations and low- and middle-income countries around the world.