The Best Moodle LMS Plugins Of 2020 — Times Didn’t End Edition

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2020 is, at last, a wrap. Behold the plugins for the Moodle LMS that, according to loving users, made the most progress in the last 12 months and the reason why there is, in fact, a bright future ahead of us, at least as far as Free and Open EdTech is concerned. So feel free to wrap the year by wrapping up your LMS with the best gifts the Open Source community has to offer. Did we mention they are all 100% free?

Listed according to fans on the Moodle Plugin Directory Database. Only plugins in active development and compatible with Moodle 3.10 are included.

10. Zoom (unofficial plugin)


Built by Rex Lorenzo, this simple fix to a global and sudden demand for an integration between two powehouses tied by the circumstances is the best illustration of how the year was like for the elearning community.

9. Questionnaire


As dependable as author Mike Churchard himself, this plugin will let you enjoy nifty extra features when surveying Moodle users.

8. ‘Klass’ Theme


The first entry by LMSACE, the only creators with 2 on the list, perfectly illustrating why, while not easy, the recipe for quality in open source educational technologies is simple to understand.

7. Game


Vasilis Daloukas nailed it with a solid idea, executed masterfully. Based from questions from the Moodle Quiz activity, or entries from the Glossary, let them play hangman, crossword, cryptex, millionaire, sudoku, Snakes and Ladders and more.

6. ‘Academi’ Theme


Another “clever, responsive” staple of Moodle themes by LMSACE, with mass following from both their native India and the rest of the world.

5. BigBlueButton


Perhaps the biggest Open Technology of 2020, the Blindside Networks team’s creation might have saved the school year at countless schools and for thousands —millions?— of students at no cost to their privacy.

4. ‘Fordson’ Theme


Not long ago, “Fordson” was an interesting new venture in Moodle’s new quest for a better user experience. Now, Chris Kenniburg’s iconic theme is standard practice across K-12 institions. Expect nothing less than the Dearborn, Michigan schools district he calls home to continue brewing interesting learning innovation for the benefit of learners everywhere.

3. ‘Moove’ Theme


2019’s best theme of the year by LMSPulse readers proved it was not a one-hit wonder. As Brazilian creator William Mano doubles down on commercially viable plugins, he’s keen to continue building on the best business card ever.

2. H5P


A 5-star plugin that never stops shining, thanks by no small measure to Svein-Tore’s direction and long-term horizon. The best of all: You haven’t yet seen the H5P OER Hub, when everything will come together.

1. Level Up! Gamification


A delightful surprise for Fred Massart’s brilliant idea, that last year seemed like it had met its final update, but which thanks to the vibrant open source + gamification communities it enjoys bright prospects.

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